The Renowned Trainer Held a Two-Day Online Workshop for .NET Developers at SaM Solutions
On January 29–30, 2021, the famous trainer Vladimir Khorikov held an eight-hour online workshop for .NET developers at SaM Solutions on the topic “Domain-Driven Design in Practice.”
The target audience of the event was middle and senior developers, team leads and architects.
Vladimir Khorikov is the author of Unit Testing Principles, Practices, and Patterns, a Pluralsight author of Domain-Driven Design courses, a Microsoft MVP, and a popular conference speaker.
Issues Discussed
DDD methodology is used to develop a high-quality software model that best reflects business goals. At the workshop, the main DDD components were examined, relying on the .NET stack, including:
- basic concepts of DDD (Bounded Contexts, Domain Language)
- DDD building blocks (Entities, Value Objects and their differences, Aggregates, Domain and Application Services)
- principles and practice of modeling DDD aggregates, including lazy loading
- refactoring from the anemic model to the rich one
- specification design pattern
- domain events.
Comment by Vadim Papko, Sitecore MVP and Chief .NET Technologist at SaM Solutions
“20 members of our .NET community participated in the workshop. The event was lively and fruitful. All participants could clone a prepared GIT repository and, under the trainer’s control, refactor the project from the anemic model to the rich one. Vladimir also gave clear and constructive answers to all tricky questions.
We hope that our developers will successfully apply the experience gained at this training to current and future projects.
In my opinion, such workshops are the most productive investment in the professional development of employees.
It was our first online workshop this year, but we won’t stop there and are preparing for future events.”