SaM Solutions at Xamarin Day 2018 in Moscow
On January 31, 2018, the Xamarin Day conference took place in Moscow. It was devoted to the cross-platform development of mobile applications using the Xamarin framework. There were speakers from the leading Russian companies and from Microsoft.
SaM Solutions participated in Xamarin Day for the first time. Our company was represented by the developers Vadim Papko and Dmitry Lisunov.
Main themes discussed:
- How to avoid the main mistakes of a team when developing mobile applications on Xamarin;
- How to build a Xamarin development team and organize work properly;
- A new tool by Microsoft — Visual Studio App Center (CI, analytics, crash report, UI tests);
- How to create a skeleton of an application quickly, and what else developers need besides the design and technical specifications;
- Interaction with Microsoft Azure Cloud Services;
- Comparison of Xamarin with other mobile development frameworks;
- Advising participants on complicated issues in their projects.
Vadim Papko (.NET-developer):
“In my opinion, the participation of our company in such conferences is definitely worthwhile. At Xamarin Day, we have learned a lot, established useful contacts and got an understanding of further actions.
The question-and-answer session was very efficient. Everyone could ask the speakers questions. We had the opportunity to get an individual consultation with the practitioners and got advice from the developer of Tinkoff bank Ahmed Sheriev regarding issues in our current project.”
Dmitry Lisunov (.NET-developer):
“Thanks to this conference, we made sure that we use correct Xamarin project management practices. Also, we learned about several ultimate solutions for the project start.
Such events help quickly get structured information from the leading developers. I believe that we’ve gained useful experience that can be directly applied to the current project.
The most interesting report "Quick creation of the skeleton of your project on Xamarin.Forms" was presented by Vyacheslav Chernikov. He described a set of typical steps performed by his team at the start of the project. Despite the fact that Xamarin.Forms were used during the demonstration, most of the practices are applicable to Xamarin native projects.”