Platform Migration: Strategy, Reasons, Challenges

Updated Jul 14, 2023

Whether you are interested in moving from one CMS to another, switching clouds, or changing CRM, ERP, or ecommerce providers, platform migration is crucial to a business’s digital evolution. In this blog, we cover a top-to-bottom overview of platform migration — strategies, reasons why businesses migrate, and common obstacles that occur during migration processes.  

Leverage SaM Solutions’ decades-long expertise in Legacy Application Migration to create top-notch solutions for your business.

Why Is Platform Migration Important?

In an increasingly digital-first world, the competitive landscape is morphing at breakneck speeds, and platform migration is one of the methods organizations employ to stay competitive, increase efficiency, and elevate performance. 

Beyond these immediate improvements, transition to a new solution often offers longer-term strategic advantages. Businesses can benefit from:

  • Access to new features
  • Better integration with other systems
  • Enhanced scalability
  • Mitigated security concerns
  • Cost efficiencies

Furthermore, migration can significantly boost user experience. A survey conducted by Deloitte found that 80% of organizations who switched platforms saw improvement in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

When You Need Platform Migration

Platform migration becomes necessary under various circumstances. These instances often align with organizational changes, evolving business needs, and technological advancements. Here, we explore some common scenarios.

Functionality constraints

When your current solution is unable to meet new functional requirements or lacks features that are integral to your business growth, it’s time to consider changing a platform. The transition to a more advanced product can offer expanded capabilities, promoting operational efficiency and productivity.

Business growth

As businesses scale, their digital needs evolve. Your current platform might not be equipped to accommodate the growth in user volume, data, or new business processes. In such scenarios, migrating to a solution that can support your growing business needs becomes critical.

Lack of scalability and integrations

A platform that lacks scalability can limit your business growth. Similarly, if your current system cannot seamlessly integrate with other crucial applications, it can affect the overall operational efficiency. Platform migration can provide the needed scalability and seamless integration with your technology ecosystem.

Vendor or support issues

You may face issues like lack of timely updates or poor service with your current platform vendor. Alternatively, the version you are using may be approaching its end of support, or there may be plans to discontinue the entire product. In these cases, switching to a more reliable provider can ensure uninterrupted business operations.

Security concerns

Security vulnerabilities in your current system can expose your business to costly risks. Moving to a platform with advanced security measures can help safeguard your business data and uphold customer trust.

User experience issues

A platform that isn’t user-friendly, or one that doesn’t deliver an intuitive user experience, can negatively impact business performance due to inefficient processes, frustrating workflows, and wasted time. By switching to another solution, user experience can significantly improve, leading to better business outcomes. 

High cost of ownership

Maintaining some older products can prove costly due to high licensing fees or operational costs. Platform migration can result in significant cost savings by optimizing resource utilization, reducing maintenance expenses, and eliminating licensing fees associated with outdated or expensive systems.

Don’t let outdated systems slow down your business! Our Legacy Application Migration experts are just a click away.

Platform Migration Strategy: Key Steps

While platform migration can deliver substantial benefits and resolve many common challenges, it requires careful planning, a thorough strategy, and expert execution to minimize disruptions and ensure a seamless transition of your software.

At SaM Solutions, we understand the importance of a well-defined strategy for successful platform migration. Our comprehensive approach includes several stages, each vital to the overall process: 

1. Assessment and planning

Our journey begins with a thorough assessment of your current platform and an understanding of your specific business needs. This helps us identify gaps, set objectives, and formulate a detailed plan, outlining the timeline, resources, and potential risks.

2. Choosing the right platform

Based on your requirements and the assessment findings, we recommend the most suitable platform. Our experts factor in considerations like functionality, scalability, security, cost-effectiveness, and compatibility with your existing systems.

3. Data migration

Transferring data securely and efficiently is the crux of any migration platform project. At SaM Solutions, we prioritize data integrity, using robust tools and methodologies to ensure a seamless and accurate data transfer while minimizing downtime.

4. Application and system integration

A successful platform migration involves not only transferring data but also integrating the new solution with your existing systems and applications. Our team ensures a smooth integration for a cohesive and streamlined technology ecosystem.

5. Testing and quality assurance

During post-migration, we conduct rigorous testing to validate data accuracy, functionality, performance, and system integration. This helps us ensure that the new platform is ready for deployment, fulfilling your business expectations.

6. Training and user adoption

Change can be challenging, and user adoption is critical for the success of the migration. To facilitate a smooth transition, SaM Solutions provides comprehensive training and support to your team, ensuring they are comfortable and adept at using the new platform.

Navigating Platform Migration Challenges and Our Proven Solutions

Every platform migration process entails its set of complications that need to be identified and solved to ensure a successful transition. We at SaM Solutions have recognized common pain points and formulated specific solutions to resolve them effectively.

Complex data structures and maintaining data integrity

The intricate data structures inherent in many platforms can make preserving the integrity of data during the transition a complex task.

Solution: Our team of seasoned professionals embarks on a comprehensive evaluation of your current data, identifying interdependencies and mapping out data elements. We then establish transformation principles to cleanse and validate data, all while maintaining its integrity and value during the transition.

Integrating and synchronizing systems

A shift from one platform to another can give rise to compatibility concerns that could obstruct seamless system integration.

Solution: SaM Solutions responds to these potential pitfalls through exhaustive planning, systematic infrastructure evaluation, and devising precise integration blueprints. Our thorough integration testing and validation procedures ensure smooth interconnection between the previous and new platforms. We use cutting-edge middleware tools to facilitate effortless data exchange and communication.

Bridging knowledge voids and specialized expertise

Platform migrations can require particular skills and know-how. A lack of these specialized capabilities can lead to process delays and errors.

Solution: We champion the idea of imparting knowledge and constant team upskilling. Our seasoned professionals deliver hands-on instruction, organize workshops, and conduct knowledge-sharing sessions, ensuring your team is ready to take on the migration process.

Budgeting and resource management

Migration requires substantial financial and manpower resources. Unforeseen costs and improper resource planning can result in financial strains and timeline disruptions.

Solution: Advisors at SaM Solutions work alongside you to design a detailed budget layout and cautiously allocate resources, thus controlling financial risks and ensuring successful results.

Preserving business continuity

Migration activities can potentially interrupt daily operations, leading to downtime and productivity loss.

Solution: We counter this risk by implementing a well-thought-out strategy, which includes extensive pre-rollout testing and conducting the migration during non-peak hours. Our experts also propose strategies like staged migration or parallel operations to ensure business continuity.

Compliance checks and quality testing

A comprehensive testing process is indispensable to authenticate the new platform’s functionality, performance, integration, and compliance.

Solution: SaM Solutions follows stringent testing protocols, including functional, performance, integration, and compliance testing, to ensure the new system aligns with industry regulations and standards.

Managing change and encouraging user acceptance

User acceptance can pose a significant challenge: the switch to a newer, more capable platform can seem daunting for users. But with careful attention to change management and user acceptance, the new solution can quickly be adopted and leveraged to its fullest capabilities. 

Solution: We advocate for extensive post-migration training for all users. SaM Solutions’ team provides user guides, manuals, and personalized training sessions, along with various support channels, to promote seamless user adoption and maximize the new platform’s benefits.

Launch a Platform Migration with SaM Solutions

Encountering complications with an obsolete or inefficient platform? At SaM Solutions, we’re experts in addressing and overcoming all migration difficulties. Our track record speaks for itself – we facilitate smooth transitions to sophisticated, leading-edge platforms, injecting innovation and operational efficiency back into your operations.

Our platform migration services will help identify your specific needs, guide you towards an optimal strategy, and achieve a successful transition. By leveraging our extensive expertise, you can unlock exciting new capabilities and revitalize your business for a sharper competitive edge.

Feel free to contact SaM Solutions’ representatives to discuss or schedule your platform migration. 

How can platform migration impact business operations?

From streamlined processes, enhanced system performance, and new technological capabilities, the benefits of a successful platform migration on business operations can be quite significant. However, if the procedure is not performed and managed properly, it can cause temporary disruptions – this is why a well-structured and strategized migration plan is an absolute necessity.

What are the risks associated with platform migration?

The risks in platform migration include data loss, extended downtime, compatibility issues, and potential cost overruns. These can be mitigated by comprehensive planning, rigorous testing, and leveraging the expertise of experienced specialists.

Can I migrate historical data to the new platform?

The process of moving data to a new platform requires added planning and expertise to ensure the integrity of the data and its full compatibility with the new system. Developing a data migration strategy is a crucial part of a migration that involves historical data.

Leave a comment
  • Will definitely be referring back to this guide as we embark on our migration journey.

  • I’ve always been curious about platform migration but never fully understood the process until reading this article. The step-by-step explanation makes it seem more approachable. Now I feel more confident in exploring migration options for my business. Thanks for sharing!

  • This article is a lifesaver! I’m currently leading a platform migration project, and the challenges discussed here mirror what we’re facing. The solutions offered provide actionable insights to overcome those hurdles. Thank you for this well-written and informative piece!

  • The challenges mentioned here resonate with my experience. I appreciate the solutions provided, especially the emphasis on careful planning and expert execution.

  • As a business owner, I’ve been contemplating platform migration for a while now. This article not only clarified the signs when migration is needed but also offered practical steps to follow. Thank you for sharing this valuable information.

  • Great article! I recently faced the need for platform migration in my company and it was quite a challenge. The step-by-step guide provided here would have been incredibly helpful back then. Thanks to the author for shedding light on this topic!

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